If you have noticed that credit card transactions that you would usually expect to match to the card holder are failing and appearing on the Failed Credit Card transaction tab please follow the below steps:
- If the card holder is available in the Claimant dropdown menu on the Failed Credit Card Transaction grid, select them to assign the relevant transactions and then click Upload to Claimant
2. If they are not in the Claimant dropdown menu, go to Administration in the main menu, click Company Profile and then select the Credit Card tab. Check to see if Dual Credit Card # Enabled is switched to Yes
- If it is set to No then switch to Yes and follow step 1
- If it is switched to Yes then move to step 3
3. Locate the User whose credit card transactions have not matched by going to Administration and then select User
4. Search for the relevant user using the search feature at the top of the list
5. Once located, click their name to access their profile and then click on the Credit Card tab
6. Delete the card details with the matching last 4 digits
7. Note: If the user has multiple cards, you may have to delete both cards to do this
8. Return to the Failed Credit Card Transaction grid and follow step 1