Auto Scan Image Information for My Receipts
This ensures that receipt images are scanned, and the date, amount and description are extracted.
View Header For Claim Automatically
This is a view option for users. When this is switched on, the header of a claim automatically expands when it is viewed, ensuring that any notes can be seen by the user. Users can click the header to collapse it if they wish and then click again to expand.
Vendor enabled
When Vendor is activated, a new menu item called Vendor appears in the admin menu. This enables you to create a further list of information that is brought into a claim item and can then be reported on or used to recharge across Cost Centres.
Vendors can be anything that you need them to be as the label can be easily changed. Once you have created your list of Vendors, you can then add a sub level to some or all of them to make reporting more granular.
Client enabled
Clients work in just the same way as Vendors when activated, the main difference here is that clients can work with Project Approving Enabled when this is set to Client or Client and Cost centre, Approvers can be tagged to each of the clients. When the client is then selected in a claim item, the approver is automatically shown. When the claim is submitted, any lines that have client and approver on, will be sent to that dedicated approver to be approved and the remainder of the claim will be sent to the default approver of the claimant to be approved. This is also great for projects.
Common client enabled
When this is on, the five most selected clients by the claimant, remain at the top of the list. However, there is a great search feature on the category list which makes locating the correct one easy.
Show Category policy
With this feature enabled, policy notes can be added to categories, when they are selected in a claim, the policy note appears under the category.
Cost Centre Selection enabled
When Cost Centre selection is activated, Claimants are able to select an alternative Cost Centre in their claim header.
Duplicate claim checking
When Duplicate claim checking is switched on, the system will check to see if there are any duplicated claim lines. When a claim is submitted, it will look at the date, the category, and the amount in all of the claimants’ other claims and if it sees the same information, will flag the claimant at the point of submitting.
Multi Approver
The system has the ability to have up to 6 levels of approvers before reaching the accounts approver. This is configured on a per user basis either by threshold amounts for approval or by approvers in turn. To have this option available to enable, you will need to notify your Implementation consultant. Please note that when this is activated, the option to reject single line items of a claim is no longer available. However, you can reject a complete claim if necessary.
Approver/Accounts Selection restricted
Activating this option, will prevent claimants changing their approver in a claim header, from their default approver to another in the same Cost Centre.
Warn Claimants for Expenses that are…
Here you can add a time limit for receipts. If you do not want claimants adding claim items over a certain amount of days old, then add the number of days in the field here. When a claim item is added that exceeds this number, the claimant will be warned. The claim can still be submitted but it will stamp the claim line with a warning to alert Approvers.
UK Bank A/C Validation
This configures the UK Bank A/C field so that will only accept 8 digits. No less, no more.
Include scheduled date for new user emails
When a new user is created, they automatically receive a welcome email once their record has been saved. If you want to delay the receipt of that email, you can add the date for it to send in here.
Email reminders
This is a great feature for Approvers! When a claimant submits a claim, their approver receives an email to prompt them to go to their claims to approve section. In the field here you can add a number of days, for example three and then three days later, if they haven’t approved the claim, they will receive a reminder. If they still haven’t approved the claim in a further three days, they will receive another reminder. They will keep being reminded until the claim has been approved.
Daily email alert time
Set a time here for alerts to be sent to users. Instead of getting emails throughout the day, they will receive one email with the days summary of notifications.
Monthly Open claims Notification
This is an alert for claimants, you can add your cut-off day for expenses or a few days before and then the system will notify any claimant if they have any open claims in case they need to be submitted.
Block Items that exceed Category limits
This is a hard rule which will prevent claim lines being saved if they exceed a category spend limit. The claimant will not be able to save the claim line until they reduce the amount they are claiming or remove the claim line completely. Spend limits can still be applied to categories without this feature, and claimant will receive a warning if it is exceeded, and the line is stamped with an alert for Approvers.
Block items where receipt is not validated
If a receipt has been requested for the category used, and one is not attached, then the claimant is preventing from submitting the claim until all receipts are attached to the relevant claim items.
Show notes on My Claim and Claim to Approve Page
This option is always on and shows an icon on the claim that can be clicked to view any notes from Approvers or Accounts Approvers, including the notes when a claim or item is rejected.
Lock down exchange rate
Switch this feature on to prevent claimants from change the exchange rate in a claim item with foreign spend.
Restrict Approver Report view
When this is switched to Yes, Approvers will only be able to report on claims that they approve and their own claims. If it is left to No, then Approvers will be able to report on claims across the same Cost Centre that the Approver is attached to.
Cascade VAT
This would be used if the VAT/Tax rates have been added at the Parent level of your system configuration. When this is on, and the changes saved, the VAT rate section in the admin menu will be populated.
Update First Line of Split item with VAT Difference
If there is unallocated VAT when splitting an item, it will be added to the first line of the split.
Xero Link Enabled
This will only be used if you have an integration, between Webexpenses and Xero Accounting.
Show time Taken to Approve Claims
This is a great feature for Accounts Approvers. When this is activated, Approval details will not only be annotated with who approved the claim, and the date the claim was approved but also how long it took the approver to approve the claim.