If you would like to restrict the amount that can be claimed for a certain category, this can be done be setting up a spend limit.
To set up a spend limit, go to Administration, then to Category. From there, click onto the category that you want to set a spend limit for.
Next, enter the amount into the Spend Limit in GBP field (the currency abbreviation will match your division base currency).
The spend limit can also be set up on a per unit basis, by setting the Per Unit toggle to Yes. Once enabled, in the adjacent field input the label for the unit.
For example, for hotel categories you may want to so set the spend limit on a per night basis. In this instance, the unit can be labelled as nights, and this field will then appear as No. of Nights on the claim.
Spend limits can either act as a hard rule that will prevent the item from being added to a claim, or instead just show as an out-of-policy warning.
This can be set by going to Administration, into Company Profile, and then into the Features tab. From there, find the Block items that exceed Category Limits setting.
When this is set to Yes, it will prevent claim lines from being saved when they surpass a category spend limit. The claimant must lower the claimed amount, amend the number of units (if enabled), or delete the claim line to save it.
If it is set to No instead, then the claimant can save any items that have exceeded a spend limit, but these items will be flagged as out of policy. When the out of policy icon is hovered over, the Exceeds Category Spent Limit warning will be displayed.
To inform your claimants of the spend limit, a category policy can be added by typing into the Category Policy field. Once you've set up the spend limit and category policy, click Save to update the category settings
If the above field isn’t showing for you, please go to Administration, then Company Profile. From there, click onto the Features tab, set Show Category Policy to Yes, then click Save. The Category Policy field will now be showing in the category settings.
Once a category policy has been added, when that category is selected on a claim the policy note will appear underneath the category.